Ok, I have a confession to make...
I basically suck at coming up with original interview questions!! I would love to start interviewing the authors I review here but my brain seriously goes blank when I try to come up with list of questions.
Anyone have any suggestions? Or should I just skip interviews because they drive you crazy and are overdone and you never read them anyway and come up with some other way of helping us get to know the authors? Any ideas?
I'd like to ask questions that these lovely authors haven't already answered a thousand times. What sort of things would you like to be asked if you were an author??? What is the best interview question you've read lately?
And do you have a particular author you would like to know more about?
And yes, I am even willing to offer bribes for your help with this!
I have 10 different books that I will offer up for those of you who give me some great ideas. All of these books are my review copies so they are not brand new but are all in good condition. Click on the covers to read more about each book.
1. What's AGE Got To Do With It? by Robin McGraw

2. Married Strangers by Dwan Abrams

3. A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews

4. The Bouncing Boy by Ilia

5. The Lennon Prophecy by Joseph Niezgoda

6. Dream Lucky by Roxanne Orgill

7. Tomorrow They Will Kiss by Eduardo Santiago

8. Chasing Diana by Jack & Robin Firestone

9. The Shipwreck of a Nation by Nennhaus

10. Collision of Angels by Michael Carver

~Leave me a comment here answering any of the questions above.
You can do this as many times as you like. For example you can leave one suggested interview question in each comment and that gives you an entry for each question. Or you could suggest several different ways of getting to know the authors leaving each suggestion in a separate comment giving you multiple entries.
Also please let me know which book(s) you are interested in winning.
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~ email a couple friends about this giveaway and let me know that you did
~ stumble or digg or whatever this site or giveaway in whichever way you choose and let me know you did so.
Remember you can enter AS MANY TIMES as your creativity will allow :) I want to give you all plenty of time to enter so this giveaway will end on July 31, 2009 which happens to be my 10 year anniversary! This giveaway is open to readers in Canada and the USA.
Don't forget to enter my other giveaways too:
Win a $50 Gift Certificate to Tiny Prints HERE. (ends July 10, 2009)
Win Living In The Rear View Mirror HERE. (ends July 9, 2009
Win Love's Pursuit by Siri Mitchell HERE. (ends July 13, 2009)
Win Chicken Soup for the Soul- Twins and More HERE. (ends July 15, 2009)
What a great idea! I could use some help myself. I'm curious to see what people have to offer.
How about asking them for their favorite recipe.
I'm a follower - thanks.
I'd be interested in A Complicated Kindness and Chasing Diana.
Of course - I'll be happy to take them all off your hands;-)
I subscribe - thank you.
How about asking them where they would like to go on vacation?
My honest opinion - I'd rather read a review than an interview.
I'd love to know more about Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton, and Adriana Tigiani!
Ask them what their least favorite question to be asked is. It would be interesting to see what people always ask them about that they dread being asked.
Ask them which season they feel most inspired to write in or about.
Ask them if they name their characters after people they know.
Ask them if they are busy writing what 3 things are "must haves" . . . music? quiet? chocolate? chips? coke? etc.
I don't have any of the 10 books you are offering ~ I'd be thrilled with any one.
I'm a NEW follower
I would love A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews. It just strikes me as something that would really grab my interest. I also thing that Collision of Angels sounds really good too.
My suggestion is to look at other author interviews and see what questions appeal to you and reword them to work for you.
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You could ask the author what their reason was for writing the book...was it just something they did for fun, was their a message they wanted to convey, etc.
1. I'd like to know the goal they have for writing their book--i.e., see the truth of child abuse, help with relational skills, redemptive value, etc.
2. What courses did they take to learn how to write.
3. I love to hear how they come up with the plot they chose.
I would like to know
When you decided you wanted to write, how did you decide on what genre to write in?
How do you get past writers block?
What is your favorite genre of books?
Have you ever thought about switching styles?
What is your favorite topic to write about?
What was the last book that they read?
What book had the most impact on them?
Ask if they have any plans in the works for writing another book
If they are an author who hasn't written a series, ask if they have ever thought of writing a series.
Ask them what three things they would bring with them if they were stranded on a desert island
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You could ask if they were an animal, which one would they be?
And I would like the tomorrow they will kiss book.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I do like interviews but I find them more interesting when they're asked questions that aren't your typical "why did you become a writer?", "who's your inspiration?", etc.
melacan at hotmail dto com
The best interview question I saw lately was "What is your favourite book that has never been written?". One of the answers was novels by Shakespeare.
melacan at hotmail dto com
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melacan at hotmail dot com
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By the way - I forgot to tell you which books I'd like (hard decision as a lot of the ones I haven't yet read sound good): Chasing Diana, Collision of Angels, Bouncing boy, Lennon Prophecy and Tomorrow They Will Kiss
melacan at hotmail dto com
What music do they listen to while they write or do they need complete silence?
melacan at hotmail dot com
If they were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would they want to have with them?\
melacan at hotmail dot com
If they were hosting a dinner party and could invite 6 people (anyone at all, living or dead), who would they be and why? What would they discuss?
melacan at hotmail dot com
Again with the dinner party, what would be on the menu?
melacan at hotmail dto com
Name 3 songs that would be on the soundtrack of your life?
melacan at hotmail dto com
I would like interviews with Sophie Kinsella, Joanne Harris, Lawrence Hill, Miriam Toews
melacan at hotmail dot com
What was your worst job ever?
melacan at hotmail dot com
Ask them....did you know you wanted to write as a child?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
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dorcontest at gmail dot com
I would love to win....Collision of Angels and What's Age Got To Do With It.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Ask them....Were they always off in dreamland in their heads ...as a child?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Ask them...Did any of their teachers notice this writing ability they had?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
What was their first book that encouraged them to write?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Here's a good one...If they could live in another time...what would it be?..and why.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I came across another one on another blog: What was your favourite book to write?
melacan at hotmail dot com
And another one: guilty pleasure?
melacan at hotmail dot com
Pet peeves?
melacan at hotmail dot com
How about asking them if they have pets. As an animal lover, I'm always curious about how others feel.
Do they write on a schedule, or just when the mood strikes?
Do they have a home office, or do they write at the kitchen table, or in bed in their jammies?
I always like to know what inspires people to write or if there is a certain person that inspired them to be a writer. Chasing Diana and A Complicated Kindness looks good to me.
What was the worst idea for a storyline that you had and never used.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
If you could dream up the perfect life...what would it be?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
If you could not write anymore...what would you want to do?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I am having fun with this!
What was the most embarrasing thing you have ever done and/or said...but made you laugh so hard about it later?
Did someone know before you, that you were going to be a writer?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Who is your favorite writer and have you met them yet?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
If I wanted to be a writer, what is the first thing I need to do?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
What kind of other genre have you considered?
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I always ask who their favorite playwright is. :) I think you can get to know a lot about an author by what plays or musicals they like. ;)
I would be interested in reading just about any book on the list, however, if i had to choose one it would be: "Married Strangers by Dwan Abrams"
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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