The Ultimate Blog Party has finally arrived! Yahoo!
Welcome to my book blog where I indulge my obsession with the written word. Oh how I love books!
I should probably be saying
"Hello, my name is Tara and I am a bookaholic."
Of course I really don't want to change... I can't help it. I adore books.
So come on in and join me in my world of overflowing book shelves and books-to-be-read piles ready to topple over with the slightest provocation. Grab a cup of something delightful, a tasty snack, your favourite book and find a cozy place to sit and relax... my kind of party!
My love affair with books started young... I really have no idea when because as long as I can remember I have loved to lose myself within the pages of a book. My mom and I moved a lot when I was a kid (like once a year or more a lot) and books were a good friend to me. A good story can be wonderful company!
I am a huge fan of the story- what could be better than spending an afternoon cozied up with a good book- and so I started this blog in an effort to share the wonderful books I read with the world. I give away as many as I can afford to mail out and I donate a whole lot of them to our local library... I believe in sharing :). And on weeks when parenting and such dwindle my reading time to next-to-nothing I share the book-treasures that others have found.
And now I would like to share a few treasures with all you party-goers... thanks to the amazing folks at Hachette Book Group I have a wonderful book to giveaway today!
Discovering Your Mommy Strength
by Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman
-description taken from the Hachette Book Group website
Many women struggle with being mothers. The great joys of parenting are hindered by harsh self-doubt and a chronic lack of physical and emotional energy. In MOMMY POWER, Sheila Schuller Coleman helps women understand that while they really don't have the power or strength to handle the demands of motherhood alone, they don't have to. Mommy strength, Sheila says, comes from asking God to lend some of His, knowing He will never fail to provide. God will enable anyone who asks to become a powerful mother who loves strong, forgives strong, and models a strong faith.
Sheila Schuller Coleman has a doctorate in educational leadership and administration. For over a decade she has worked in both the public and private school arenas, mentoring schoolteachers, principals, and preschool directors. Sheila is currently senior pastor of the Crystal Cathedral. She lives in Southern California with her husband, Jim, and they are the parents of four children. You can contact Sheila and read her column at www.crystalcathedral.org/Sheila.
I haven't read this book yet but I think it looks fabulous!
Would you like to win a brand new copy of this book?
* just tell me about a book you are reading right now- easy!
For additional entries you can do any of the following- be sure to LEAVE A SEPARATE COMMENT for each thing that you do!
- Subscribe to this blog via email (there is a handy link to do that on my sidebar)
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- Follow this blog on google friend connect
- Add my button to your site or add me to your blogroll and leave me a link.
- Follow me on Twitter and tweet this giveaway (as many times as you like without annoying all your followers!) Use @Tarasview in your tweet if you would like me to retweet for you.
- Become a Fan of my main blog on Facebook
- Follow this blog on Networked blogs on Facebook
- Share this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or another social networking site of your choosing
- email a couple friends about this giveaway
- stumble, digg, tag, bookmark, vote up, thumbs up, favourite, or anything else you can think to do for this site or giveaway (as many as you like- there is a "share" bar at the bottom of this post to make this easier)
- publicize this giveaway in any way on any site and let me know that you did (ex. adding it to a Mr. Linky on a giveaway site etc.)
This giveaway is open to readers in Canada & the USA. I will choose a winner on April 16, 2010.
Winner will be chosen with random.org and notified by email. Winner will have 48 hours to reply to my email or I will choose a new winner.
Be sure to stop by my other blog party post too! I am giving away a $150 spa gift certificate over there!
Don't forget to enter my other giveaways while you are here:
- Win a $150 WaySpa.com Gift Card HERE. (ends April 17, open to Canada/USA)
- Win $100 in Gift Cards HERE. (ends April 27, open to CANADA ONLY)
- Win How To Grow Practically Everything HERE. (ends April 9, open to CANADA ONLY)
- Win What's In The Bible? DVD's by Phil Vischer HERE. (ends April 15, open to Canada/USA)
- Win a $25 box of surprise hair accessories HERE. (ends April 22, open WORLDWIDE)
- Win a $100 GC to Tea Collection (kid's clothes) HERE. (ends April 29, open to USA ONLY)
- Win a $75 GC to Novica HERE. (ends April 26, open to Canada/USA)
- Win Sworn to Protect by Diann Mills HERE. (ends April 24, open to Canada/USA)
- Win Admit One: My Life In Film by Emmett James HERE. (ends April 23, open to Canada/USA)
- Win a Circus Play Tent HERE. (ends April 22, open to Canada/USA)
- Win a 4-pack of aden + anais swaddles HERE. (ends May 1, open to Canada/USA)
- Win Mommy Power by Sheila Schuller Coleman HERE. (ends April 16, open to Canada/USA)
- Win Heart of My Heart Devotional HERE. (ends April 18, open to Canada/USA)
- Win God Never Blinks HERE. (ends April 19, open to Canada/USA)
- Win The Cook's Herb Garden HERE. (ends May 2, open to Canada ONLY)
I love love love books. I've been reading since I was three and I am completely addicted. As soon as I saw your header, I was tilting my head to the side to read the titles on the spines of the books! Great to meet you! I'm subscribing in my Google Reader.
Hello, my name is Shelly and I'm a book junkie. :) Good to see you on the UBP. Have a great weekend!
I love books, and so does my son. Actually his worst punishment is having the book he is reading taken away from him.
My whole family are book a holics and love every minute of it. Right now I am reading a book for review about the re-emergance of the conservative in America.
Hi! Stopping by on my blog hopping for UBP~ Nice to "Meet" you and will def. be back!
I love to read, but never have the time to search for a book. Can't wait to look through your blog some more!
Stop by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you get the chance. www.fromthesamenest.com
I too am a bookaholic and wouldn't have it any other way. My seven year old is becoming one too, yay! I look forward to reading your reviews! :-) Oh, and Happy Blog Party day!
I am a great admirer of books of all sorts at this time I am reading a book titled loser
i love books i'm stopping through from the UBP !
Stopping by from UBP - nice to meet you! I just started Twilight yesterday. I know, last person on the planet to read it...
I hope you'll stop by Kelly's Lucky You and follow me back.
I used to love books too!! Somehow I've gotten away from reading a whole lot as a grownup...but I'm slowly getting back into it! Glad to have found you through the UBP!
This looks entertaining. I'm reviewing a book right now that I'm having a hard time liking, but I'm only a few pages in, so maybe it'll get better.
I too am in love with books, can't have enough of them actually and I have passed that on to my kids as well. Stopping by with the UBP.
I actually just got done reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Very very good read. That's great that you have such a passion for reading!
Party on :)
Party With Tiff (UBP post)
I also love reading and blog about it a lot! I am reading several books right now. One is THe Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. I had never read the whole thing and wanted to so now is the time. Have you read it?
I am a book lover too. There are stacks of books all over our home. Great to meet you. I love your background. I'm following you now.
I love to read. I work nights and spend a lot of time with a book. I am just finishing up with Sticks and Scones by Diane Mott Davidson.
I am currently reading Breaking Dawn again the last book in the Twilight series. I usually don't re-read a book unless it is really good. I guess I just loved this book. So I am about 1/4 the way through again.
Happy UBP Party!!! I love your blog honey.....I am now following on Google Friend Connect. Feel free to stop by mine as well at www.safehomehappymom.com
This is way fun than I thought, meeting new blogs I didnt even know exist! I will be reading up on archives all night long.
Hi Tara,
Nice to meet you. I love books too. I could spend hours at the library or at the bookstore.
Happy partying!
I am a bookaholic as well...I am thrilled to find a few blogs that will help me indulge in my addiction!
I love seeing all these booklovers! Outside of my children, I'm one of the few people in my family or social group who loves to read! It's so nice to connect with other readers! I've been laid up in bed for 3 days with a bad back and have been reading The Sweet By and By by Sara Evans (the singer) and I finished The Time Traveler's Wife. I'm glad cuz now I can watch the movie! Nice to meet you!
I think we'd get along quite well--I'm a librarian and also love books! Found your site through UBP! Great to 'meet' you!
Stop by my money-saving blog!
Take care,
I just read THE GUARDIANS:LOVING EYES ARE WATCHING by RICHARD WILLIAMS from the library that I thought you would be interested in reading. The author has been active in Christian Ministry for over 28 years. It's a romance mystery where two people's (a sister and brother) life is turned upside down and they find out where true help comes from. Two dogs will help them find their way back to the path of God's love.Best book I've read in years. I highly recommend this book to everyone.
I'm just stopping in from the `UBP 2010`.
I also do reviews.
Would love for you to visit my blog, when you get a chance.
Enjoy the Party!
I've always been a reader, too. Mostly cookbooks in recent years but I've been rediscovering other books too - joined a book club. Hope you're enjoying the party!
Visiting from UBP and glad to meet a fellow reader. Now I am obsessed with passing this passion to my daughter who is now 3 and already a reader. It would be great to win the book in your giveaway. Happy partying!
I am reading Cry No More by Susan Crandall.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am an email subscriber.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I subscribe through RSS google feed.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
Nice to meet you. I'm a SAHM to 2 girls -- 1 year and 4 years. I love books, which is one reason I have a book review blog, too. I just finished Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli and will start Without a Trace by Colleen Coble soon. If you get a chance please visit my blog -- Teen Lit Review.
Stopping by from UBP 2010.I'm also a reader. My favorite authors are Dean Koontz, Sidney Shelton & Mary Higgins-Clark. Of course, since I'm in school at the moment, I don't have a lot of free time to just read.
Dropping by to toss confetti, pull up a virtual chair and party with you. Let's have some fun!
I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse. Plus, I've got giveaways too. I hope you'll surf on over and say hello.
Oh, I'm @Dayngr on twitter.
OMG. I found you through UBP and I feel like I've known you all my life. I am another book lover. Books to me are to be exalted. My children have more books then they know what to do with, but it doesn't matter b/c they love them anyway. I am subscribing right away...
just added your button to my blog
Stopping by from the UBP! :-) Right now I'm reading "The Opposite of Me" by Sarah Pekkanen, so that I can review it... it's a story about twin sisters... I get a lot of things related to twins, for some odd reason :-p
I'm kind of blog-hopping right now, but following you so I can be sure to come back later! :-D
I so agree with you about reading! One of the posters that hung in my room for years and years said, "Those who make friends with books are never alone."
Right now I'm reading Maria Bailey's book "The Women's Home-Based Business Book of Answers." But don't let that fool you - I usually read Christian Fiction.
My party post is at simplevloggingtips.com, but my book reviews go up on jendisjournal.com.
Tara Aloha!
It's nice to meet and learn more about you. I'm visiting from the UBParty2010.
I LOVE books too and hope to pass this on to my children!
You have an interesting site. I'll be perusing. :)
Enjoy the party!
I'm a bookaholic too! I'm reading several books right now. The one I like the best is Every Woman's Marriage. I just started reviewing books for BookSneeze. How fun! Come visit Knowlton Nest (www.jsknowlton.blogspot.com)
I'm a follower with Google friend.
Hope you are having fun at the UBP!
Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab the free tutu making lesson! :) and here's a contest I'm running which you might like: Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
Ohhh books! Love em! I just started reading an older one - Southern Cross by Patricia Cornwell. So far, its really good.
Subscribed via MyYahoo reader
FB fan of Tara's View of the World
Following on FB Networked Blogs
stumbled http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/Ziggywag/review/41331292/
I would have tweeted too but twitter is dead at the moment :)
Hello, stopping by from the blog hop. I'm a book lover! I'm currently reading A chance to die, the autobiography of Amy Carmichael. It's excellent. I love missionary biographies.
What a great blog you have! I love books. Currently, I'm reading the ProBlogger book. I know, but I got to start somewhere :)
Feel free to come by my blog and read my Ultimate Blog Party ’10 post!
Become a reader & stay informed of upcoming giveaways!
I follow your blog via google friend connect (lovelyritaann)
I already follow your original blog on Facebook! (LovelyRita Ann)
I now follow your blog on Networked Blogs.
I'm currently reading Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris! It's humorous but sad at the same time... a wonderful look inside the modern office and the characters that made up the "work community" in a time of layoffs.
I subscribe via email at annmarieweeks at verizon dot net!
I also subscribe via Google! (amweeks)
I follow on friend connect! (amweeks)
I follow on twitter & tweeted! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/12098287993
I'm one of your facebook fans! (Annmarie Dipasqua Weeks)
I follow thru Networked Blogs! (amweeks)
Hey! I'd like to win that book. I love books too. I am currently reading: One Year To An Organized Financial Life, Fascinating Womanhood, and The Magician's Book.
I am a google friend.
I'm currently reading Potatoes not Prozac, it's about sugar addiction and sugar sensitivity.
juxta.umino {at} gmail {dot} com
I am currently reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass
Fan of your main blog on Facebook (Panda Sweet)
Stopped by from the UBP.. I also LOVE to read and have been reviewing books from different publishers to feed my book addictions :) I look forward to scrolling through some more and plan to follow your blog.
I am currently reading Still Missing by Chevy Stevens.
I'm reading The Survivor's Club. It's full of interesting data about life and death situations.
I am reading "When You Are Engulfed In Flames" by David Sedaris!
Stopping by for the UBP! I love books too, and I am also an aspiring writer (handful of stories in slush piles, no publications so far :( though I'm slogging through!) I'm not sure you're into science fiction, but that's what I mostly do. Check out sciencefictionmommy.blogspot.com if you're interested. I just finished reading volume 7 of the Fables graphic novels series (really fun take on nursery rhymes, fables, and other such stories) and I'm about to start Blackout by Connie Willis, my all-time favorite author. Hope you're having a good party!
I'm following you
(and no, that doesn't mean stalking! :)
My name is Kate and I am a complete and total bibliophile. Currently, I'm reading "How to Write a Damn Good Novel", "How Not to Write a Novel" and "The Four Seasons".
Can't wait to peruse your blog further! Come on over to meet me and follow my blog at www.deliciousaspie.blogspot.com.
Kate :)
I'm now a follower!
Kate (www.deliciousaspie.blogspot.com)
I subscribed via email!
Kate (www.deliciousaspie.blogspot.com)
I'm now a follower on your FB page!
Kate (www.deliciousaspie.blogspot.com)
Love to add this to my collection of good reads. Thanks!
I am a book-a-holic :) My hubby gave up buying books and made me get a library card, he said buying books for me was too expensive because I'll read at least one book a week :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Right now I am reading The Book of Ruth.
I subscribe to this blog in google reader.
I follow you on google friend connect.
The time machine did it.
I'm reading Changes by Jim Butcher. Fabulous series written by a really awesome guy! Thanks for the contest!
I follow on google friend
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