Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People
101 Stories about Overcoming the Economic Crisis and Other Challenges
Tough times won’t last, but tough people will. Many people have lost money and many are losing their jobs, homes, or at least making cutbacks. Many others have faced life-changing natural disasters, such as hurricanes and fires, as well as health and family difficulties. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People is all about overcoming adversity, pulling together, making do with less, facing challenges, and finding new joys in a simpler life. The stories in this book will remind us that we are all going through tough times but we are tough people and we will survive.
Tough Times, Tough People is full of uplifting stories. I love that the stories are short so you can pick up and read when you have a few free minutes. I enjoyed the variety of stories as well. This would make an excellent gift.
~Leave me a comment here telling me where you are from and something interesting about where you live. You can enter as many times as you want this way- just tell me something new about your town/city/farm/state/province/country/etc. in each comment. :)
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Remember you can enter AS MANY TIMES as your creativity will allow :) This giveaway will end on August 7 th, 2009. This giveaway is open to readers in Canada and the USA.
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A Novel Menagerie
My province in Canada, Saskatchewan has the town KIPLING, where the fellow that has traded up from a paper clip all the way up to a house is. I dont know where the man is now. His house is on display in Kipling now.
devonm @ sasktel dot NET
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devonm @ sasktel dot NET
This looks interesting! Please enter me!
I live in Connecticut - the Nutmeg State. We also have great seafood at the shore.
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
I live in Alaska. we just finished our period of 24 hour sun. Very very weird.
chicken soup for the soul
I would love to win a copy of this book!
Something interesting about where I live?
I live in Utah. Today, July 24th is a State holiday, designated Pioneer Day. It commemorates the entry of the first wagon train of Mormons into the Salt Lake Valley in the summer of 1847.
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I live in Hamilton, OH....I live in a tri-state area and can be in Ohio, Kentucky or Indiana within minutes of each other
I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Winnipeg is known as the Slurpee Capital of the World.
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I live in Grand Rapids, MI. We are the home of Amway world headquarters.
I live in a small town in SouthEast BC and its a coal mining town. I found your blog as I sell epicure and found your give away.
Thanks for the giveaway, love the Chicken Soup series.
I live just a piece down the road from the Pymatuming Spillway, where the ducks walk on the fish! It's really kinda cool, if you are ever near Linsville, PA, you should stop & check it out.
I live in Frederick, MD - about 2 miles away from Fort Detrick!
Live here in Saint John, New Brunswick where we have the great Bay of Fundy, and the Reveresing Falls both amazing
I live in Yellowstone National Park. An interesting fact is that it has over half the thermal features in the world.
I live in Peoria, IL--where the phrase "will it play in peoria "came from
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Peoria is currently in the process of building a multi-million dollar museum.
the trial for serial killer richard speck took place in peoria.
A lot of peoria's employment comes from Caterpillar.
Peoria just recently built a giant addition to the zoo--you can now feed crackers to the giraffes thanks to a new walkway.
I live in Lynchburg, VA the home of Jerry Falwell.
I live in Laramie, Wyoming - home of the Wyoming Territorial Prison which once housed Butch Cassidy.
I'm in Milwaukee, which is great because it's a big city, but just minutes away from dairy farms!
I'm from Georgia. Georgia was named to honor King George the 2nd of England.
I'm in Poughkeepsie NY . Despite all their layoffs in our county, they are still the major employer in this area.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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San Francisco was originally named in Spanish Yerba Buena, meaning "good herb".
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
My 08/04/09 entry :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I am originally from New York (NOT New York City). In 1990 we moved to Virginia, because my husband wanted to live on water or NEAR it actually. So we have waterfront property and it's beautiful. Of course being a "Northerner" and a "Yankee" I wasn't too welcome here. But I stuck it out and now there are probably still people who don't like me, but I have lots of friends, too. I always stick it out when the going gets rough...and it WAS rough, moving here, not knowing anyone, and wishing SOMEONE would welcome me. But I'm tough! I made it. Now we are here almost 20 years.
May Schultz
We live 10 miles from "anywhere". It's a long drive when you just need a bottle of milk! We've learned to consolidate our plans, so we don't do that trip TOO often. But as we are aging, we are thinking we should move closer to a town, to avoid all that driving. Im 82 years old and married 60 years.
May Schultz
We live between Petersburg and Richmond. It's pretty here and there are plenty of places to volunteer if you get homesick, as I did, or if you just lost your spouse and NEED to feel needed again. I volunteer at Hospice, and while I visited patients, now I am in the office, doing things there that need to be done. I also sing with the Southernaires, a group of retirees who just LOVE to sing. And we visit nursing homes and asst. living, and church groups etc. WONDERFUL way to escape your loneliness. Only trouble is, NOW I'm so involved I never have ANY time anymore.
May Schultz
The county of Chesterfield is doing a good job getting people to recycle. They pick up every other week, and we can dump everything in one box that they supply. We usually put all the newspapers in a paper bag but everything else goes in one lump. It makes me feel good to know we are helping our Grandchildren.
May Schultz
Poughkeepsie NY - we are right on the Hudson river!
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I live in Virginia Beach...we're a big hit with tourists!
We live on Lake Chesdin. It's a lovely lake, manmade, and is part of the Appomatox River, dammed up. Once they did THAT, then the builders got busy and made developments with water front property. We were So lucky to get in at the beginning. We had a choice of many properties, and feel we picked the best one.
May Schultz
We live on Lake Chesdin. It's a lovely lake, manmade, and is part of the Appomatox River, dammed up. Once they did THAT, then the builders got busy and made developments with water front property. We were So lucky to get in at the beginning. We had a choice of many properties, and feel we picked the best one.
May Schultz
The city nearest to us (10 miles away!) is Colonial Heights. It used to be a tiny place, but once they put a huge shopping mall there, it has grown tremendously.
May Schultz
Fort Lee isn't too far from where we live. They are closing a lot of forts, and moving those people to Fort Lee. So they have constructed a LOT of new buildings to house all these men and women and families.
May Schultz
I live in the Bronx, New York. It's the home of the Bronx Zoo, the Botanical Gardens, both the old and the new Yankee Stadium, lots of parks and lots of buildings.
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I live near Tallahassee, FL. Tallahassee is the capital of Florida.
I am from Illinois, the land of corruption!
I live in Orange, CA, a picturesque town with Craftsman houses and a circle where people gather every holiday season for a tree-lighting ceremony.
I'm from Sacramento. The only thing interesting I can think of is that we are the capital of California.
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I am from Norman, OK, where the University of Oklahoma is located. If you live here, loving Sooner football is a requirement.
I live in Ohio and we have the rock n roll musem.
I am originally from Indiana, but since I haven't lived there for 27 years, I am now in California. I live in the state capital, so we see alot of picketing & stuff at the state capitol.
I would love to win a copy of this book! im from oklahoma and live in green country
Richmond and Petersburg are very historical places. A LOT of the Civil War was fought in this area. Unfortunately, there are people here who are STILL fighting the Civil War. Too bad..but once you are aware of that, you learn to steer clear of that subject when chatting with people. The younger ones are OK, but the older ones still hang on to the old biases.
May Schultz
I live near Chicago and I absolutely love the city. Did you know that they reversed the flow of the Chicago River in the 1800s because the pollution of the city was flowing into Lake Michigan? Kind of crazy when you think about it!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
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wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
Another thing about living in Chicago that is kinda cool is that every year for St. Patrick's Day they die the Chicago River completely green!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
I live in the mountains of PA and tourism is the main business in the area con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
I live in Kansas and I have seen a couple of tornadoes
I live in nc near raleigh
I am in west tennessee and right now it is rather hot.
My name is Jason, I am from MN, and we have a giant Mall, a comedian for a Senator, and a wrestler was our governor. We are all so proud here :(
I am from Utah. We have beautiful mountains here and the Great Salt Lake.
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I live in Fredericksburg,VA and
live right in the middle of where
the Civil war was fought,I found a
old shell in my front yard dated
back to that time
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I would love to read this I really enjoy chicken soup books
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