This Giveaway is now CLOSED! Congratulations to Jennifer of My Life With 4 Kids and to Sandra!

I would like to tell you all about a beautiful Christmas story I read today- The Paper Bag Christmas.
It is a wonderful story about the true meaning of Christmas. Kevin Alan Milne writes wonderfully and brought the characters to life for me. The story made me smile and it definitely made me cry. I loved it.
Please go and get a copy of this book for yourself- I would say this is a book pretty much anyone could read and enjoy.
Here is a quick overview of the book that I took from the Hachette Book Group website:
"Dr. Christopher Ringle is the last person you'd expect to find moonlighting as Santa Claus at the mall on the day after Thanksgiving. But it is there that he meets a young man named Molar Alan, who desperately needs a new perspective on the underlying value of Christmas. Dr. Ringle recruits Mo and his older brother as volunteers at a nearby children's hospital for the holiday season. At the hospital, Mo is tasked to help bring holiday cheer to the young cancer patients on the fifth floor. His biggest challenge is befriending a decidedly angry girl who is so embarrassed by her scarred appearance that she hides her face behind the safety of a paper bag. Almost in spite of himself, Mo finds that Christmas joy emanates from a source far greater than the North Pole, while the young girl learns that she is more beautiful than she had ever imagined."
You can read an excerpt of the book HERE.
If you would like to win a copy of this wonderful book just leave me a comment here telling me what you love (or hate) about Christmas. This giveaway is open to everyone and I will choose a random winner on November 1st, 2008.
Never heard of this book, but it looks interesting.'s such a wonderful mingling of comfort and excitement, tradition and change (catching up with people you haven't seen), receiving and giving.
jashaw (at)
Yep, looks like an interesting read.
What do I love/hate about Christmas? Why of course, I love the fact that God sent his son for our sakes.
I hate the fact that Christmas has become so commercialized that some people only see the busyness of it and give no thought to its meaning.
But, along those lines, I love the fact that there are so many family-friendly movies, stories, parties, fokelore, and activities this time of year. Afterall, where would we be without Bing Crosby's "White Christmas?"
Here's something I love and hate. Presents. I love giving and getting presents. I love shopping for gifts for others. I love wrapping them and watching them be opened. I also hate shopping for said gifts when I don't know what to get and it's a week before Christmas. I hate having to give a gift just because it's expected. I hate getting stuff that just clutters up my home. Ya know? Do I sound like Scrooge? Cuz I don't mean to.
Wow what a great giveaway!!!
Enter me!!!
I think that if a book can make someone cry... it's a definite must-read.
What I love about Christmas... is that people are actually genuinely nicer and more giving in this season. What I don't like about it is that people are nice, and then they forget that Christmas spirit for the rest of the year.
Anyways please enter me in the contest. Thanks. =)
Carmen T
I love Christmas stories. I love those corny made for tv Christmas movies. I will watch all of them I can. I also love taking my kids around looking at the Christmas decorations. The more lights the better. We lived in Vermont the past 4 years, and often there was snow on the ground around Christmas. The lights with the backdrop of snow was just breathtaking.
tracisharpton (at) msn (dot) com
Thanks for the great giveaways. Would love to win!
No need to enter me, Tara. I'm just dropping in to let you know I posted this at Win a Book.
My favorite part of Christmas is Christmas dinner with family and friends. I also love the Christmas tree with lots of lights and glittery ornaments.
Well since my birthday is Dec. 23, Christmas is my fav holiday. I love to be with my girls and with my grandkids. Their happy faces light up my heart.
I love Christmas because people are normally much nicer. Plus it is a perfect reason to remember what Christ did for us.
I love spending time with my family at Christmas and finding just the right present for everyone. I really, really hate decorating, though!
I love all of the Christmas/oliday books that come out during the holiday season.
I'd really enjoy this book!
Thank you
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
never heard of this either but agree looks interesting
One thing I dislike about the holiday season is all the rude people in the stores and how people are way to materialistic, one thing I love is decorating the tree and spending time with family and friends!
I love the spirit and love of Christmas and celebrating the birth of my Savior. I don't like all the food! I always gain weight!!
I love watching people open gifts that I got them, but only when I got it right. There is not much worse than watching someone open a gift they don’t like. I also really enjoy my church’s Christmas Eve service. There is something about being in church and singing Silent Night in candle light at midnight that reminds me what the season is all about.
I'll tell you one thing I love about Christmas and one I hate...
I love buying nice things as presents for my family & friends & boyfriend and wrapping them with colourful paper.
I hate having to be always kind just because it's Christmas time.
avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it
I love everything about Christmas. Our chorale has been practicing for our Christmas concert since September and, oh, I love the music.
My Husband and I had a Christmas-time wedding (12/18) and he proposed the year before that on Christmas Eve.
I lovelovelove Christmas!
firemom [at] stopdropandblog [dot] com
I love that Christmas is all about Jesus and forgiveness of sin and love that it has become about family, but hate that it has also become all about getting stuff.
I love Christmas because it is the only time that all of our family manages to get together. This sounds like a great book.
I love everything about Christmas. I love the way every one decorates their houses. I love the lights, the music, the love everyone shows for eachother. I love every one getting together. I love the food, the drinks, the movies...I love the hustle and bustle. I love the shop windows, and I even love the presents. I love the boxes, bags, ribbons and tags. Bring it on...
I hate the fact that it is so commercialized!
urchiken at gmail dot com
I love everything about Christmas! The whole time is just so magical. I love being with my family and all of our traditions, no matter how small.
wow i love to read this book it sound well my kind of book thanks
I love the traditions of Christmas...spending time with family and friends. I hate the commercialization of Christmas.
Would love to win the book...I don't read enough these days.
I love spending time with my family giving gifts, getting gifts(lol), and eating good homecooked food!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
I love see the kids eyes light up when they first come downstairs on christmas morning
I love so much about the holidays. The music, Christmas baking, giving gifts and decorating. I also love watching all of the tear-jerker holiday movies on Lifetime and the Hallmark Channel. There really isn't anything I hate about this magical time of year.
I love Christmas music!
I love spending time with family!!! I love eating yummy food. I hate people rushing around and getting grumpy.
This book sounds wonderful. I love so much about Christmas, my kids's excitement, baking, shopping for just the right presents, the music, and decorating .
I don't like how Christmas has become such a "materialistic" day! I also don't like family bickering (which seems to come every year in my family!)
I love traditions at Christmas. I love the aroma of Christmas Cookies baking. I love having all of my children with us. I love going out for Japanese with the kids on Christmas eve and driving the light tour!
Ahh, I love a lot about Christmas! I'd love to read this book! thanks
The thing I like most about Christmas is family and food.
This book sounds great! Wonderful review.
I love all of the extra socializing that we do at Christmas time. The time spent with friends is very meaningful to me.
I hate when I try to put too much expectation on myself and find myself worn-out instead of enjoying the Christmas season.
God bless!
I love being with family at Christmas and doing so many things together. This year we're doing a homemade Christmas, only homemade gifts, which I think is going to be great! rebolsen at
I don't like that it starts so much earlier in the year. It used to be Thanksgiving; now it is Halloween.
I love that the Christmas season brings joy and hope to all by reminding us of our Saviors birth and of the love that God has for us by sending us His son.
This will be sons first Christmas so I am looking forward to experience it through his eyes.
Christmas is all about family for me. My 3 sisters, our husbands and children all gather at Mom's (sadly, Dad passed away last year from Alzheimer's) for an all day celebration. We snack and play games. Our favorite is bingo. We buy all kinds of silly inexpensive gifts and wrap them and the winner gets to pick a gift. We have a blast. We have a huge family dinner and dessert. No one ever wants to leave. Usually the grandkids all stay and spend the night with Grammy. I'd love to win. Sounds like a great read. jckillen(at)comcast(dot)net
I love everything about Christmas. The shopping, the singing, the decorating,'s my favorite time of year.
I love Christmas and celebrating Jesus' birth. I love hearing my children recite the Christmas story and sing carols! Thanks for the giveaway!
The best thing at Christmas is the Christmas Eve service at our church. The carols sung by the congregation really makes you feel the true meaning of Christmas.
I love sitting by the fire and drinking hot chocolate with family around:)
The best thing about Christmas is its the one day I have my daughters and grandkids over to enjoy a great dinner and exchanging presents. I have 3 daughters,with their husbands and 9 grandchildren. It becomes quite a full house but I love it. Thank you!
judybrittle at aol dot com
I like the time before Christmas more than I like Christmas.
One of my favorite things about Christmas is the cards, making them, sending them and receiving them.
abackman66 at hotmail dot com
Christmas pudding! :D
Oh and the giving and receiving of presents of course!
Favorite: FAMILY gatherings :)
I couldn't possibly hate anything about Christmas!
I love Christmas traditions and spending time with children and feeling their excitement.
family family family!
I love Charlie Brown's Christmas cartoon, even at the age of 36 I look forward to watching it every year!
I love love love Christmas, I love that we spend time with family, I love the decorations and the feeling of warmth they bring but most of all I love Christmas for Jesus!
I love the happy loving feelings :)
Sounds like a great book. I love Christmas b/c of spending time with my family.
Thank you!
onenightoff (at) gmail (dot) com
What I love most about Christmas is decorating the tree with my family.
The only thing I dislike or hate about that time of year are the crowded busy stores. It brings out the worst in people. Yuck.
Never heard of this book.
Was not really born celebrating Christmas but
I love the thought and sight of this holiday.
People are having fun, kids laughing, problems forgotten, friends seeing each other, enemies greeting each other.
The lights, the smile, the gifts, food, greetings...
I love Christmas because it is the one time of the year that the whole family gets together!
I love that people feel more charitable around Christmas. One of my favorite things to do each year is to adopt an "angel" from the Salvation Army tree and buy some presents to spoil an underprivileged child :)
I love the decorating and baking but hate the stress and the running.
I hate that many people put off being kind, helpful and loving until it's the holidays :D You should be that way all year round! :D
I love our Christmas Eve tradition of yummy snacks and new pajamas!
I love how Christmas transforms everything. You can't go out without seeing (or hearing) something christmas-y. Christmas is the only holiday that really follows you around like that.
I love seeing faraway family members at Christmas time!
I LOVE that Christmas brings families together, but I HATE that it often involves very stressful traveling in order to be with family!
This sounds like a good book. I love spending time with my family celebrating Christ's birth. I also love seeing people's faces when they receive a gift that I've picked out for them.
I hate that Christmas has been made so focused on spending lots of money for the "perfect" gift.
Oh, I love Christmas stories. I would love to win this.. so that I could read it and then pass it on.. Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway..
I love everything about Christmas but particularly the fun of wrapping and giving gifts!
I love being with my family at Christmas and celebrating the birth of Christ.
I hate being too busy to enjoy it.
I love the generosity of spirit and the kindnesses people extend towards others but I hate the materialism.
I love Christmas, just that, just the word, and what it means.
I love everything about Christmas, even battling the crowds on Black Friday.
I just realized I didn't tell you why....I enjoy Christmas/Holiday books for they help me conscienceously and unconscienceously gear up my Christmas spirit! Last year I was a real scrouge at the beginning of the season and the Christmas novels brought we right out of my funk.
Please add this submission to my previous entry.
Thank you
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I love watching the littlest kids at church singing away in a manger and doing the actions and I especially love the one kid who always feels it is his/her duty to sing right into the mic!
My word verification is singi! How appropriate!
I love Christmas because I love celebrating the birth of Christ. I also love it because my family is generally together to celebrate. And I love, love, love giving people gifts. It always makes me smile. I hate the fact that Christmas has been so commercialized and the true meaning removed. I also hate the fact that it is over so soon!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
I know it sounds cheesy, but I love the fact that the God of the Universe came to our earth in the form of a tiny helpless baby. And grown men worshipped Him!! It's amazing!
I love of Christmas: is a special time not because the gifts, but the family itself, everybody have a excellent mood, and try to be a good person. Also the decorations is fabulous.
I hate Christmas; because almost everybody expect gift, and the economy is not so good.
I love the feeling of joy, among everyone, at Christmas. Everyone's just a smidge nicer and more understanding. I HATE that I could have bought all my Christmas decorations when I picked out school supplies!
Sounds so interesting. I would love the chance to read it.
I love the family togetherness at Christmas.
I hate the too-busy feeling. Argh.
I love the novelty of it. I love the tree, I love the family, I love the food and togetherness.
This year is my first Christmas with my other half and I (with just us, anyway) in our own place, so it'll be even more special!
I love the togetherness of Christmas but hate the commercialism.
I love just the feeling of Christmas. Warm, happy, excitement. and the look in my son's face!
I Love ALL things christmas!! I guess my favorite would be spending lots of time with my family!
I love the feelings of Christmas, the food, the decorations. I HATE the January clean up!
I love the family traditions, the food, and the delighted look on my kids' faces.
parcelhome at comcast dot net
Would love to win this book. I love spending time with family and friends. Thanks!
I love Christmas! My favorite things are family, ornaments and music!
I love Christmas! Being with family, lights on houses and trees, music, Christmas movies on TV and most of all the greatest gift ever, JESUS!
I love Christmas and am always looking for books and stories to share with my family about the true meaning of Christmas. While I hope to win this prize, I will definitely be looking for it in the stores if I don't. deane_williams at
I have heard great things about this book and it looks like something not only I would read but I would want my kids to read too. It sounds like a really heart warming story.
My favorite thing about Christmas is being with family and friends and celebrating the true meaning behind the holiday.
My least favorite thing is all the commercialism, long lines at the mall, people spending obscene amounts of money on silly things.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
My favorite part of Christmas is the reality of the birth of the Savior Who came to redeem us.
This book sounds wonderful! Thanks so much!
I love taking a break from life and focusing on the savior and my family.
I love spending time with my family at Christmas and being reminded of the best gift we've ever received-- Jesus!
Great giveaway-- I lead two book clubs and I'm always looking for great books!
I love Christmas! It's the time to get together with family and have fun. I enjoy the great food and seeing my kids smile. I love seeing there eyes light up.
Looks like an interesting book! I love pretty much everything about Christmas...except for the comercialism and materialism!
My favourite thing about Christmas is getting to spend quality time with family, where we all really put aside everything else and just enjoy our time of fellowship together.
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
I hate how Christmas goes so fast
I really love watching the kids come out of their rooms xmas morning. They are always so amazed with the half eaten cookies and presents Awesome Giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!
I LOVE Christmas baking!!! Thanks for the chance to win this neat sounding book!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
I love decorating for Christmas! I put up 4 trees in our house. My son loves it and gets so excited and that just makes it all worth it!
e the way stores ry o make it so commercialized! But I love christmas! We bake, decorate and enjoy family.
I love decorating and being with family and friends.
I hate that all the preparation in the weeks prior leave me almost too exhausted to enjoy the actual day. I also hate getting gifts for the sake of getting gifts. Our family is so blessed that the last few years we have not exchanged many gifts...mostly practical, needed items if we give anything at all.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
I hate when people leave Christmas lights up until February.
I love spending time with family
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
i love my family, but I hate that we have to go to 3 different places on Christmas day alone. I would love to spend a quiet day at home and let my daughter enjoy her presents or go to just one dinner instead of stuffing 3 into us!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
What I like about Christmas is when my house is all decorated. What I like the least is decorating my house. This book look interesting.
I love driving around and seeing all the decorations, but hate the traffic inside the mall!!!
I love the fact that the whole family gets together at Christmas. It's so nice to spend time with relatives that you don't get to see that much throughout the year.
I love cuddling up on the couch with my little family and watching Christmas movies!
I love Christmas music! And Christmas stories! And decorating :-) I do wish it wasn't so stressful but I've learned to cut back to make it less so!
I love all the family get-togethers at Christmas!
I love ornaments!! Love 'em!!
My girls are young so I love the magic the experience when we turn on the tree lights. They are fascinated!
I love that it is a time for family to gather together and enjoy each the company. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I hate that Christmas has gotten so commercialized. It's too stressful for me. I'd rather be with family than get things. :)
teacherkrista at gmail dot com
i love decorating the tree with my boys!
I am so excited to have stumbled upon your giveaway. I just saw this book in a magazine the other day and thought it would make a nice Christmas present for my mom! So I hope I win her Christmas gift :) I LOVE everything about Christmas, the whole season. Friends, family, food, gift giving, the fragrances, church on Christmas Eve. I even love Christmas shopping!
I'd love to read this book. Please enter me in your draw.
I love Christmas time, and I really enjoy the opportunity to just enjoy giving to friends and family. Not that we don't do that already throughout the entire year, but it's nice all the same. :)
My favorite part is the excitement of little children. Looks like a great book.
I love christmas.. I'm one of the few people who love the busyness of the season. I also love that family and friends and spreading cheer..
I hate how people take the true meaning out of Christmas by making it a merchant's holiday.
lilacbutterfly [at]
I love seeing family at Christmas.
I dislike the greed. Overindulgence is ugly.
I love after all the hustle and bustle is done, just looking at each persons smiling face and appreciating that they are able to be here sharing the day with me :)
Love the time with family. Dislike all the hurry hurryness of the season.
Sounds like a good book! I love just about everything about Christmas, except maybe the commercialism
I love everything about Christmas,the smells, the excitement of the kids.
I love the time with family. I love giving gifts. I love the sparkle of the tree. I love reflecting on the birth of my Savior.
I get very frustrated with the commercial aspect of it. Does it HAVE to be all about spending?
I love pulling out my Amy Grant Christmas CD and spending time in our decorated home with the boys' excitement spilling over. Thank you!
What I love most about Christmas is the kids' joy and excitement. It is so contagious.
I love Christmas music. I won't allow it playing in the house unless it is the holiday season...
I love having the white Christmas light everywhere! I love driving around town and looking at the lights too! I love listening to Christmas music too! I could listen to it all year long!
I love that you're never to old to be a kid at Christmas!
I love that our family is able to get together at Christmas. I also love that people seem nicer and more giving around Christmas.
I love making cookies for santa with my girls
I know I'm weird, but I love the shopping. It helps that I start way early. But I love choosing just the right thing for someone
I love spending time with my family, but I hate the stress associated with buying gifts for everyone!
ericbrooks75 AT yahoo DOT com
I love that my whole family gets together. We're scattered all over the U.S. and this is usually the only time we're able to all make it home at the same time.
I love Christmas, but hate that that is the time my husband goes overseas to visit his mother every year. He stays for a month and the kids and I are on our own.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
I'd like to read this book. I do not like the big crowds during holiday shopping season. But I love picking out gifts for loved ones and seeing their faces when they open them.
My youth pastor told me about this book so I decided to check it out. They don't have it at my library and I can't afford to buy it so I'd love to enter your giveaway.
Christmas is my favorite holiday. Its never been about presents because we've never been in position to get much but I treasure the memories of exchanging home made gifts and just knowing everyone is healthy and together to celebrate the birth of Christ.
222 at nativeweb dot net
I love that everyone from the family gets together. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love this! My favorite part of Christmas is watching the kids open gifts.
shelcows at gmail dot com
Thanks for the chance to win! Looks like a lovely read, thanks for sharing!
My favorite thing about Christmas is the twinkling lights on the tree. I could just stare and sigh happily for months on end. :)
This book sounds like a very good read. I hate the fact there are some really mean shoppers out there who are rude and pushy even to small kids. They can yank the joy out of a moment in a second.
I love Cmas baking. I hate taking down the decorations after it is all over.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
One of the things I love about Christmas so much is reading the reality that God sent His Son for us, to be raised by ordinary people for an extraordinary purpose!
I love the feel of "magic" in the air.
Now that I'm no longer living at home, I like that Christmas is a chance to see my family.
I never get tired of all the pretty Christmas lights!
I love spending time with my family. i know presents are good, but it's not about that. In fact, this year instead of exchanging gifts with my husbands siblings and spouses, we all decided to buy tickets to Spamalot and go out to dinner together. So it will be the memory of a great night together that we will receive this year.
Great giveaway!!
I love Christmas because it is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love decorating the tree, I hate taking it down
I love seeing my kids on Christmas morning, SO excited! I also love Christmas eve when we get to wear our brand new jammies and read the Christmas story about Jesus and bake cookies. I can't WAIT!
I love watching my daughter while we are out shopping as she looks at all the decorations and ornaments. Today she was singing "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year."
I love how my house looks at Christmas, and I hate putting away all the decorations!
I love how we focus on the Baby Jesus's birth! I love seeing the excitement in my blessings eyes! I love when I actually surprise BELOVED with something! I love the sights and smells. I DON'T love the "GRUMPINESS" that some people exude b/c it is a hectic time of year!
This book is on my list to read in the next few months, so I would love to win a copy. What I love most about Christmas is sitting in the dark with someone you love and staring at your christmas tree. The worst part of Christmas feeling pressed to spend more than you can afford on gifts.
I absolutely love Christmas! I love the lights, the trees, the true meaning of Christmas! It's my very favorite time of the year. I'm ready to put my tree up now. lol Thanks for the giveaway!
I love all the special things we do...we spend more time together with family and friends...I love he Christmas Choir performance...the kids always sound so heavenly...the book looks very interesting...thank you for the giveaway...
I love Christmas...the lights, decorations, music, family and friend get togethers, food, desserts, cookies, and presents to give.
Please enter me in your contest.
I love the smells of cookies, of candles. I love the time spent with the family.
I love that our whole family gets to come together, we're all so spread out now, that it is so rare and I LOVE it!
I love seeing extended family at Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway!
My husband says we should ask children - AND adults - What are you GIVING for Christmas instead of What are you getting? I'd like to see more of this during the season.
I love so many things (even my give-away is related!). I love having school off (yey for being a teacher). I love my family being together. I love the look of my house all decorated.
I love Christmas and the fact that everyone seems to be happier and friendlier during the Holiday. thanks:)
Theresa N
What a great giveaway!
Enter me!
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