Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gift Idea: What Good is God? by Philip Yancey

What Good Is God?
by Philip Yancey

Journalist and spiritual seeker Philip Yancey has always struggled with the most basic questions of the Christian faith. The question he tackles in WHAT GOOD IS GOD? concerns the practical value of belief in God. His search for the answer to this question took him to some amazing settings around the world: Mumbai, India when the firing started during the terrorist attacks; at the motel where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated; on the Virginia Tech campus soon after the massacre; an AA convention; and even to a conference for women in prostitution.

Philip Yancey, a journalist by profession, is a bestselling writer and speaker. He is known for his honest, thoughtful explorations of Christian faith, particularly in areas of questions, struggles, and mystery. His devoted readers have bonded with him on his own journeys through doubt and faith, and they count on him as a trusted companion in the search for a faith that matters amid the world's deepest problems as well as its shining joys. Visit Philip online on his website or facebook page.  

Guest Review by my Mom :)

Philip Yancey's book What Good is God? is one of the most encouraging books I have ever read. He looks at the most horrendous happenings in our world today, and then relates how God has worked in and through these devastations, how lives have been changed and healed, and how Christianity has grown in spite of everything. I was touched to see how God never leaves us or forsakes us no matter how bad our situation is. I was impressed by the fact that no matter how evil our world becomes, God's plan nevertheless moves forward. As always Philip Yancey reaches the heart.

Thanks so much to Hachette Book Group for sending me a review copy of this book. 

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