Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dr. Hippo series review

Thanks to MomFuse I was given the opportunity to review the Dr. Hippo Series.

Here is a bit about the series I got from their website:

Known as the Dr. Hippo Series, this collection of stories is about: an elephant with an earache, a polar bear with a cold, a frog with a fever of 104°, a giraffe with a sore throat, and a moose with vomiting and diarrhea (gastroenteritis). Each adorable animal gets (and gets over) his or her illness with the help of a kindly pediatrician hippopotamus named Dr. Hippocrates.

Each book in the Dr. Hippo Series is 32 pages, hard cover, full color and includes a separate laminated Parent Guide written in question/answer format. The Parent Guide answers common questions like: “How can I keep my child comfortable?” and “When should I call the doctor?”

The Moose With Loose Poops

"Four-year-old Miles develops a tummy ache while on a family picnic in Maine. His planned camping trip with Papa (complete with canoeing and fishing) is postponed when throwing up (oops!) and diarrhea (loose poops) develop. Mama, Papa and Lucy Moose take excellent care of Miles at home. Of course, they are helped by their kindly pediatrician, Dr. Hippo, who advises that fluid is the best medicine for Miles. Will Miles recover in time to go camping with Papa under a special, star-filled sky?"

"The Little Elephant with the Big Earache tells the story of Eddie, who awakens with a terrible earache after a busy afternoon making mud pies with his cousins. His mother takes care of him during the night and Dr. Hippo reassures them both during the day. Will Eddie recover in time for his birthday?"

Peeper Has a Fever

The day of the Diving Contest has arrived! Peeper hops out of bed with excitement and joins his mother for breakfast. When he doesn’t touch his pancakes, she wonders whether he might be getting sick and soon discovers his fever of 104°. Worried, she calls their pediatrician, Dr. Hippocrates, who gives her excellent advice and asks her to keep in touch by phone. His parents then take wonderful care of Peeper, but what about the Diving Contest? Is he well enough to go? Will he win this year?

Katie is happily skating with her friends when she begins to sneeze. She soon develops a bad cold. Will she be better in time for the Ice Show? Her mother takes excellent care of Katie at home, checking in with their pediatrician, Dr. Hippo, when Katie starts blowing “green stuff” into her tissue. Won’t she need antibiotics? Katie needs to get better—and fast!

One day while she is beading necklaces for the School Art Fair, Sadie begins to feel sick. Her mother worries about Sadie’s sore throat and takes excellent care of her at home before they go off to their pediatrician, a friendly hippopotamus named Dr. Hippocrates. Is Sadie too sick to go to the Fair? Will her necklaces win a prize?


I absolutely love this adorable series! The series is geared toward children aged 2-7 and is incredibly kid-friendly. My kids are 2, 5, and 7 and all three loved the Dr. Hippo books. My boys especially got a kick out of the "Moose with Loose Poops" since it actually said the word POOP :). The series is written by Dr. Cowan and you can really tell the stories were written by someone who actually KNOWS what they are talking about! The illustrations are bright and colourful and perfectly suit the stories. The various animal characters are fun and my kids really enjoyed "getting to know" them. I think the Parent Guide tucked into the back of each book is a brilliant addition. Personally I think every single doctor's office/hospital/medical facility of ANY kind should have the entire series. The Dr. Hippo series would make a wonderful addition to any child's home or school library.

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